(more video)
Remind me, why we are doing this, again?
Oh, to store it back underground???
Anyway we find these recommendations a little contradictory when Mr Faber touts the collapse of markets, but these stocks are magically sheltered from this, thereby defying the "laws of systemic market risk" . Sorry, but we are not going to bank on that when an offer to buy the Brooklyn Bridge is still on the table.
Folks we could go on and on about this, but I think the message is clear, do not invest based on promotional pieces; remember too, the connected interest and 25% personal portfolio position. Now, about that bridge...
And by the way, even if we are right this time, it does not mean we will be right the next time. Or trust me, for that matter ever again - as every bet has its own probabilities.
Dr Peter G Kinesa
August 9, 2013
Now, about that bridge...