'The scope of the problem we are facing. . . is massive and it requires a multistate effort,' said New York Attorney General Schneiderman.
DCI Group Subpoenaed in Expanding
Exxon Climate Denial Investigation
DCI Group, a Washington DC public relations and lobbying firm, is the latest groupsubpoenaed in an expanding investigation by state attorneys general into the funding of climate change denial by ExxonMobil, according to court filings reviewed by the Center for Media and Democracy (CMD).
Seventeen state attorneys general—calling themselves "AGs United for Clean Power"—held a press conference on March 29, announcing increased collaboration between the states in investigating the opposition to tackling climate change.
"The scope of the problem we are facing, the size of the corporate entities and their alliances, the trade associations and other groups, is massive and it requires a multistate effort," said New York Attorney General Schneiderman.
Wireless Electric Vehicle Charger With 20 kW Capacity & 90% Efficiency
the ORNL equipment could shorten the time needed to boost a battery back up to 80% range from 8 hours or more to as little as 3 hours. That could even make it suitable for applications away from home, such as shopping malls.
Hunt wants Australia to lead world in battery storage
“Solar and storage together are the future of electricity. That’s a huge direction in Australia and we are the world’s leading household solar nation. Now we want to be number one in the deployment of battery storage." http://reneweconomy. com.au/2016/hunt-wants- australia-to-lead-world-in- battery-storage-98694
Fracking’s Total Environmental Impact Is Staggering
A new report details the sheer amount of water contamination, air pollution, climate impacts, and chemical use in fracking in the US. For the past decade, fracking has been a nightmare for our drinking water, our open spaces, and our climate.
http://thinkprogress.org/ climate/2016/04/14/3768993/ environment-america-fracking- report/
All you need to know about Venezuela's looming implosion -
The headline at ZeroHedge back in January said it all. “This is what the death of a nation looks like”.
It now seems inevitable that Venezuela, for decades touted as a “socialist paradise”, will disintegrate by the end of the year.
It’s the ultimate case of “Dutch disease”, a country now rotten from depending far too much on the export of a primary product and, as a result, facing a currency so bloated it can’t maintain productivity and competitiveness.
Now, the inevitable violence and chaos is starting to spill over. On Sunday, the Financial Times cited reports of the morgue in the capital city of Caracas overwhelmed with the stench of dead bodies piling up.
There’s been no official homicide data from Venezuela since 2006, but El Nacional is claiming “5186” murders in 2016 to date. One local think tank puts the rate at 92 killings per 100,000 citizens – about 22,000 Australians a year in local terms, or 84 murders every weekend in Sydney.
It’s almost fives times the rate in the year before Hugo Chavez came to power.